We are very grateful for all that's been going on at the Dana Point Women’s Club this Fall season. This month's newsletter features the latest updates on Club activities in the community:
Fall for Fosters November General Meeting
Thank you, Supervisor Foley! $35,000 grant for Community House improvements
Project Angel Tree/SparkJoy
Deck the Halls at Community House
Rosey's Holiday Meals Fundraiser
Upcoming Events
Fall for Fosters November General Meeting

November’s general meeting featured our brand-new philanthropy, Project Foster. Debby Thrailkill, founder of My Own - A Case for Kids gave an inspirational account of her efforts to provide some of the 3,400 kids in Orange County’s foster care program with their own rolling suitcases filled with sheets, basic clothing, toiletries, and small toys and books. Since its inception in February of 2023, the charity has donated 500 stuffed suitcases to Orange County foster children. DPWC members were proud to support this heartwarming effort through our donation of $500 in new suitcases plus a check of $1,500. In addition, our generous members made in-kind donations of items worth over $2,600, used to stuff the suitcases. We also wanted to give a shout out to our Hospitality Chair, Karin Marsh, and her team, for creating a beautiful plated lunch, and for our members who helped with set up, lunch prep, and clean up. As always, half the fun is working together to create a lovely experience for our members and guests.
To read the full article in the Dana Point Times, CLICK HERE.
County Grant Announcement
DPWC President, Kathy Belanger, was thrilled to announce that we are the recipients of a $35,000 County grant. Board members met with 5th District Supervisor Katrina Foley, back in August, and appealed to her for help in putting some much needed “lipstick” on our 70-year-old building. We will be officially thanking Supervisor Foley at our December 7th meeting. Things are already looking up at Community House!
We are extremely grateful to Supervisor Katrina Foley who said she recognized DPWC as "A long time staple in our community. I’m happy to help restore the Dana Point Women’s Club so we can continue to use the facilities to raise revenue for the positive initiatives the Women’s Club supports, and as a place for community gatherings.”
To read the full article in the Dana Point Times, CLICK HERE.
Join us at Community House for our members-only December "Jingle Mingle" event to meet and thank Supervisor Foley in person. The event will be held on Thursday, December 7th at 11AM. Click here to register.
Project Angel Tree/Spark Joy
DPWC is coordinating its third year of Project Angel Tree (aka”Spark Joy”), where generous community members purchase gifts for the children of families enrolled in United Way OC’s SparkPoint Program in Dana Point. This year, there are 100 children enrolled in 4 cohorts. DPWC members are sponsoring cohorts 1 and 4, City of Dana Point Youth Board and Staff are sponsoring cohort 2, and Monarch Beach Sunrise Rotary Club is sponsoring cohort 3. Ways & Means Chair Marla Freeman said, “This is one of my favorite programs. It’s so heartwarming to know we’re making the holidays a little brighter for some of South Orange County’s most vulnerable families.” Members will be bringing unwrapped gifts to the Jingle Mingle event on December 7th; gifts will be wrapped by ten volunteer elves on December 8th; and will be delivered to RH Dana Elementary for distribution on December 11th.
Deck the Halls at Community House
Shortly after Thanksgiving, DPWC volunteers will be transforming Community House for the holidays, adding wreaths, poinsettias and a beautiful tree. Community House Director, Jody Hughes has been busy booking events, but there are a few dates still open.

Now booking for the holidays! DPWC's Clubhouse, Community House, is a great location for holiday and year-end business meetings, luncheons, employee appreciation, and more. To learn more, click here to submit an online inquiry or contact the Community House Director at communityhouseDP@gmail.com.
Net proceeds from Community House rentals exclusively fund building maintenance and preservation, and support DPWC’s philanthropic programs.
Rosey's Holiday Meals Fundraiser
Fuss-free meals for the holidays! Now through December 31, order large or small family meals delivered to your door. Use code DPWC and 20% will go to Dana Point Women’s Club philanthropies!

Upcoming Events
Thursday, December 7th @ 11AM: General Meeting - “Jingle Mingle"
Thursday, January 4th @ 5PM: General Meeting - “Welcome 2024"
Thank you to our members and beloved local community!
Dana Point Women's Club
Photo Credit: Club photography generously donated by Devin Marie Sims, DPWC Member