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November Newsletter

Writer's picture: Dana Point Women's ClubDana Point Women's Club

Our November newsletter features the latest updates on Club activities:

  • Fall for Foster Kids Meeting

  • Walk for Leann

  • Holiday Shopping Extravaganza

  • News Bites

  • Upcoming Events

    • Thursday 12/5 11 AM        Jingle Mingle/Angel Tree Drop Off

    • Friday 12/6 10 AM       Gift wrapping/Angel Tree

  • Save the Dates

DPWC Falls for Foster Kids!

From left, Treasurer Donna Childress and First Vice President Judy Amiano present donation

to My Own - A Case for Kids Founder, Debby Thrailkill

DPWC's November meeting benefited one of our favorite philanthropies - Project Foster. Debby Thrailkill is Founder of My Own - A Case for Kids, a non-profit that has so far delivered 1,800 rolling suitcases stuffed with bedding, basic clothing, toiletries, books and toys to Orange County foster kids, giving them something to call their own as they move from home to home in the foster care system. DPWC donated $1,200 to Project Foster, while our members donated $3,206 in in-kind donations of suitcases, bedding, clothing and other essentials to this most worthy cause. Thank you to all our generous donors!

During the meeting, members had great fun creating fall serving platters under the direction of Marla South of Saddleback College's Emeritus Program. Read more about the meeting HERE.

Volunteer Opportunity

We have just 4 volunteer spots open for those who may want to help fill roller bags for Project Foster children. We will be carpooling to Debby Thrailkill's home in Coto De Caza on Monday, December 2nd from 10AM to noon, with lunch to follow for those interested! Please contact Judy Amiano if you'd like to volunteer for this wonderful cause.

Members Support Walk for Leann

On the weekend of November 1-3, our First Vice President, Judy Amiano, along with 1500 other supporters, walked the 60 mile Susan G. Komen "More than Pink" walk in San Diego. Judy and her team were walking specifically for our dear member, Leann Rodowicz who is undergoing treatment for metastic cancer.

Leann and her husband Dan, pictured at left, attended the walk to cheer on her supporters. Donations from DPWC members and friends of $3,200 along with $3,000 matched by DPWC generated a $6,200 donation going directly to metastatic cancer research. Our love and support continue for Leann and her family as she smiles through this challenge. See more photos from the event on our Facebook Page HERE.

Holiday Shopping Extravaganza

Community House enjoyed a nice stream of visitors on Friday November 8th, as our Ways & Means Chair, Marla Freeman, hosted visitors for 5 hours of shopping. Guests enjoyed champagne and charcuterie while they perused fashionable clothing, jewlely and accessories presented by Cozzena. 20% of proceeds ($1,100) benefited DPWC philanthropies.

Project Angel Tree

We will be gathering gifts for our beloved annual Project Angel Tree at our December 5th meeting. Most of the 69 angels have been assigned to members but please contact Marla Freeman if you'd like to help with coats. Supervisor Katrina Foley's annual coat drive is going to include all our South County SparkPoint children and DPWC members are welcome to help supply coats to keep these kids warm this winter. For those with angels, please be sure to put the unwrapped gifts in one bag and staple your Angel tag showing the family number and child's name to the bag. Coats can be dropped off with a note showing the child's name and family number at the same time. Marla's team has stickers to affix to each coat as you drop them off. Please bring the gifts to our December 5th meeting or contact Marla to arrange drop off.

News Bites

Orange District CFWC News

Our members Joan Marie Kerr and Rita Jones attended The Orange District of the California Federation of Women's Club's Council Meeting on November 8th featuring an FBI agent speaking on "How to Protect Yourself and Your Club from SCAMS!

The January Council Meeting will be held 1/10 at El Adobe in San Juan Capistrano. Featured speakers will be from The Orange County Fire Department regarding disaster preparedness for fires, earthquakes, and appropriate disaster kits for our Club. Contact Joan Kerr if you'd like to attend.

Board nominations for FY 24/25

It's not too early to start considering if you'd like to join DPWC's Board for a rewarding chance to become more involved in day to day Club planning, administration and policies. This year, the positions of Secretary, President, Treasurer, Ways & Means and Community House Rentals Chair will be open. Members (including incumbents) may nominate themselves or others at our March meeting. In addition, a nominating committee has been appointed by the Board in accordance with our By-Laws and will include Chair Monique Wolff, and Board member Judy Amiano along with one member at large (to be appointed soon,). They will be actively recruiting and will present a nomination slate to the membership at our April meeting in advance of our May voting meeting. Should you be interested in any of these positions, please contact Monique Wolff for more information.

Upcoming Events

Register for all upcoming events on our website HERE or use the specific links in the headings below:

  • December 5th Mingle & Jingle: Join us Thursday December 5th at 11 AM for a celebratory toast, lunch and holiday shopping at our mini- boutique. Drop off Angel Tree gifts and coats. Please bring a friend! RSVP HERE.

  • January 10th SPECIAL SPEAKER 5 - 7 PM - We will have no meeting in January, but please save the date for Friday, January 10th from 5 to 7 PM. We will be honored to host a world-renowed physician and TV personality to kick off our New Year.. New YOU! This will be a very special event you won't want to miss. Details will follow but please save the date!

  • February 6th meeting - 11 AM

  • April 9th Cocktails for a Cause - 4/9/25

Come Mingle & Jingle on December 5th!

Be sure to LIKE our Facebook Page and check out our

Instagram page @communityhousedp

Dana Point Women's Club

Strengthening Community since 1951, Dana Point Women's Club is an integral part of the South Orange County community. 

Mail: PO Box 205

Dana Point, CA 92629

Location: 24642 San Juan Avenue

Dana Point, CA 92629

Registered Charity: #33-0212059

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